
quinta-feira, junho 19, 2008

fotografia alojada em www.flickr.com
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Praia de Sesimbra.Sesimbra beach.

6 Comentários:

Às 19/6/08 , Anonymous Anónimo disse...

I wish there were a couple of words in English so I could understand what the beach picture is all about. As it is, the photograph is excellent and shows all the details.

Something different from me
Better Blog Writing

Às 19/6/08 , Blogger Joao Augusto Aldeia disse...

Abraham Lincoln: I like to write, and I think that if we all could talk a little more about our photos, it would be good for all of us. But I don't write much in Portuguese, because, most of the time, debates turn into ugly arguments, time consuming; as a Portuguese blogger said, comment boxes attract the worst of humanity, under anonymity. And sometimes I write less in English, because I don't master it, and translation it is also time consuming.

Now this photo. I was in this place of the beach for some hours, and I took some interesting photos of people, but there is this problem of posting photos wich, maybe the people pictured don't want to see online, so I choose this one, with no one too close, but with several signs of the presence of people.

Even so, I feel that in Portuguese society, and in a small town like Sesimbra, we still can photograph most of the day-to-day life, with close photos of people, and faces. But I also feel that is not the case in other places around the world, namely in the 'developed' world, so most of the photos have no people at all, or no faces recognizable. Could this be the case? Is it because people are more aware of their rights, namely th right not to be phtographed without permission? Or is it a security paranoia, tipical of our times?

I have published here some photos of youngsters and children, some of the most gratifying themes to any society. But I already received a 'warning' from a anonimous reader, that if one day I publish a photo of is son, I will be buying a problem. Are we going into a future where people faces will disappear from photos?

One of the main influences on the pictures I try to take comes from my looking at those wonderful old photos. Even the smallest information is rewarding. But the number of old photos and the number of themes are small. So, I think of how wonderful it would be to have photos from 50 or 100 years ago with so much more scenes and themes, and that is what I try to catch today.

I could already tell a number of interesting stories that were born from this activity of taking photos and publishing them on the blog, but that would seem a little narcissistic, or greedy, because I even received some gifts: a cheese and two beers. Well, I won't get much more gifts with photos like this one, mainly of towells and flip flop shoes.

Às 20/6/08 , Anonymous Anónimo disse...

Existe maneira de fechar um blog???é que visitei o blog do calhandro e digo uma coisa...completamente intragavél,nao é admissivel que por tras do anonimato se diga mal de toda gente saindo impunemente,no caso do meu estabelecimento algum dia vir a ser desancancado por este individuo que cobardemente se esconde,nem que eu gaste todo o dinheiro do mundo que ele tem que levar com a judiciaria e respectivo processo crime!!ponham os olhos este e noutros blogs e vejam o k a net tem de interessante!!!

Às 20/6/08 , Anonymous Anónimo disse...

Tem bom remédio caro anónimo, deixe de lá ir.

Eu fui lá umas 2 ou 3 vezes e deixei de lá ir.
Quem diz mal de tudo e todos só pode ser um supra-sumo.
Na minha particular opinião, o tempo que passa por esse blog vê mais umas quantas fotos neste.

Às 20/6/08 , Blogger Clube Europeu ESJAL disse...

Estas imagens são para fazer inveja ao comum dos mortais??

Às 22/6/08 , Blogger Glenda Young disse...

Thank you so much for the beautiful pictures of the beach at Sesimbra! Are there any gardens or pictures of typical Portuguese flowers and plants you could add to the blog if you have time please?


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